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T-Mobile reveals UK 3.5G phone first

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Author: WildC@rd

T-Mobile is claiming to be the first operator to get an HSDPA - that's 3.5G - phone out the door and into business users' hands. The MDA Vario II runs on Windows Mobile 5.0 and comes with Redmond's push email. It boasts support for Microsoft Office apps such as Excel, PowerPoint and Word. Thanks to its 3.5G connectivity the device can theoretically achieve download speeds of around 1.8Mbps but most users will experience less than that. On the hardware side, the device sports a Qwerty keyboard and a large screen to support unrestricted web browsing. The device is made by Windows OEM shop, HTC. The Vario II is, unsurprisingly, the second iteration of the smart phone. The first, known by the brand name Wizard, was also sold by O2 and Orange as own-brand devices. The device will cost Ј299 and under, depending on contract.
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