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Virgin bundling completes NTL foursomeNavigation: Main page Author: WildC@rd NTL is finally realising the convergence dream that inspired its Ј962m buy of Virgin Mobile, with the launch of its own quadruple-play product. The quad-play offering - TV, 2Mbps broadband, mobile and fixed line subscription - will set NTL users back Ј40 per month. NTL will also start flogging a mobile subscription for its customers that already take any of its service at the cost of a tenner per month, although there will be no mobile handset thrown in. The launch of the quad-play offering has long been expected from NTL and is the latest move in the bundling trend among broadband suppliers, telcos and broadcasters. BSkyB and Carphone Warehouse this year began offering 'free broadband' with a phone subscription, while BT is prepping its own IPTV service. However, most bundling in the UK is around double- or triple-play - NTL is claiming to be the first telco to sell quadruple-play. It won't be on its own in the market for very long, however: Orange is gearing up to add IPTV to its UK roster to make up the foursome. |
Silicon Valley Gears Up Wireless Plans Microsoft, Nortel Team Up On Unified Communications Nokia buys Loudeye digital music delivery platform Current news: Skype: Millions still without service Homes Often Baffle Wi-Fi From Routers Merry Christmas and a happy New Year Google Sets Business Focus in Chelsea The Tech World's Hottest Meal Ticket The Disorganization of a 4G Classification: How the ITU Rendered HSPA+ a 4G Standard |