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Putting the T- into top up promotions

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Author: WildC@rd

As T-Mobile launched its latest prepay top-up deal, Top Up and Stretch, Michael Garwood spoke to the network's head of prepay Chris Barrow about the latest trends in the never ending battle for market share. T-Mobile head of prepay Chris Barrow reckons prepay customers are more important to T-Mobile than to most other networks. It has 7.8 million prepay customers, he says, and the trick is to offer them instant value in an increasingly competitive market place. At the start of the month, the network unveiled the latest ploy in its battle for prepay market share: Top Up and Stretch is a new prepay tariff giving customers who top up Ј10 during the week a Ј10 credit boost at the weekend for calls, texts and picture messaging. It is designed as an alternative to its existing Top Up Friday incentive, which offers prepay customers unlimited free texts at weekends if they top up by Ј10 during the week.
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