● Asterisk X100P FXO ● Helicomm ZigBee Platform ● Home WiFi Networks ● IEEE 802.11 ● New Taiwan Hwa Yao Tek ● NexTone Rental ● RF Linx WLAN Radios ● VoIP PSTN Gateway ● Wi-Fi ● WiMAX ● Wireless ● Wireless security ● WirelessGRID Bridges ● z Links ● Zigbee / IEEE802.15.4 | ||||||
Nokia buys Loudeye digital music delivery platformNavigation: Main page Author: WildC@rd With Nokia releasing the N91 musicphone with a 4GB capacity, I've said a few times that Nokia will not be able to dent the iPod's marketshare unless it can create an ecosystem like the iPod/iTunes experience for customers. A gadget is not nearly enough, as many competitors have learned while trying to overthrow the iPod from its perch. The entire integrated customer experience must be designed with optimal ease-of-use and perfect functionality. With that said, Nokia just purchased Loudeye for this very purpose. Nokia wants to develop and deliver a completely integrated music service to co-exist with these cutting-edge music phones it's now releasing. Will this strategy be successful? Let's hope it is more than the ill-fated N-Gage experiment was. |
THUS Group agrees to buy two other providers Big Players 'Extremely Interested' In Boston Wi-Fi 400Mbps Wi-Fi standard back on track Current news: Skype: Millions still without service Homes Often Baffle Wi-Fi From Routers Merry Christmas and a happy New Year Google Sets Business Focus in Chelsea The Tech World's Hottest Meal Ticket The Disorganization of a 4G Classification: How the ITU Rendered HSPA+ a 4G Standard |