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Wireless surveillance camera

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Author: WildC@rd

Wireless surveillance camera: Axis offers the highest quality wireless network camera without compromising on functionality and affordability. It supports the WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) and WPA2 protocols to provide the best security protection for wireless networks. Axis Communications offers wireless network cameras that come with both wireless IEEE802.11g and Ethernet network interface for flexible installation. It supports the WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) and WPA2 protocols to provide the best security measures for wireless networks. The high performing wireless transmission with a wide coverage range gives users the freedom to place the camera where it is needed, instead of where the network outlet is. Put the wireless network camera where you want it, connect power, and enjoy full frame rate video on your computer. Unlike Webcams, an Axis wireless network camera has its own IP address and a built-in Web server, allowing access from any Web browser on your LAN or from the Internet. The video can be viewed remotely by several persons, and you can securely control access or leave it open.
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