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Skype Reaches Even Further Out With WiFi Phones

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Author: WildC@rd

Skype users will soon be able to make Internet calls on the go, and without a computer. Skype announced that Accton Technology's Edge Core, Belkin, Netgear, and Standard Microsystems will all release WiFi handsets later this quarter. The phones will come preloaded with Skype's software, will be sold directly from Skype's online store, and can be used at all open access WiFi points that do not require certification. “We want to give people the freedom to move around while talking and have access to Skype wherever they are – whether in front of a computer or while moving around the home or office,” said Stefan Oberg, general manager hardware for Skype. “Now people can make wireless Internet calls and enjoy the great Skype cost savings and sound quality free of a computer.” Calls made to other Skype users will be free, and calls can be made to non-Skype users through the company's premium SkypeOut service. The phones will have automatic synchronization to the existing Skype accounts and contacts. The call quality and costs will be the same on calls made from WiFi phones as they would on PCs, eBay-owned Skype said. The phones will not work on paid WiFi systems like those offered at some coffee shops and bookstores since they will not have the ability to authenticate and pay for such usage The Belkin phone, with a black, candy bar design, will be available in August and is priced at $189.99 on Skype's Web site. Netgear's phone, which features a full color screen , is priced at $299.99 According to a report released earlier this year by Infonetics Research, the global market for WiFi phones in 2005 was $102.5 million, and is expected to reach $1.9 billion in 2009. Skype and its partners are likely to be highly motivated to have the phones available on the market as soon as possible, so that they can achieve maximum penetration while the current free SkypeOut calling offer, due to expire at the end of the year, is still available in North America. In addition, we can expect to see more Skype WiFi phones come on the market with additional features including WiFi network monitors and indicators to make it easier to find free calling locations. On the other hand, many observers feel that WiFi isn't really ready yet to support widespread use of VoIP.
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